By: Blonde Two

Harry-the-Jack has been a bit puzzled by my behaviour on our morning dog walks this week. He is used to me telling him to hurry up but this week he has been waiting for me, because I have been indulging in a favourite pastime – acorn stomping.

Acorns, I am sure you have noticed, make a most satisfying “squidge” sound when you tread on them. This sound is so enticing to me that I can’t (I really mean can’t) pass an acorn by without stomping it.

There are some conditions that must be met for the stomp to be perfect; it should not be raining, a green acorn sqidges much better than a brown one and walking boots should be the weapon of choice.

Mr Blonde Two told me off for acorn stomping yesterday. He said that I was depriving the squirrels and being cruel to the oak trees. I would like to apologise to both parties but I really can’t help it.

Acorn Facts:
1. The cup that the acorn sits in is not for squirrels to drink out of and is called a cupule.
2. Deer enjoy eating acorns but they don’t go very well with venison.
3. Contrary to popular belief, acorns can be eaten by people. Some people like to hide them in big piles in their gardens shortly before hibernating for the winter in front of Strictly Dance Like a Blonde.