By: Blonde Two

Every now and again, I remember that I am supposed to keep an eye on how well Two Blondes Walking the blog is doing. I do this using Google Analytics (please don’t switch off, those are the only technical words I am going to use).


This can be more interesting than you might imagine. It is exciting to note that people read the Blonde Blog in places that are even further away than Up-North! For example last month:

Our blog was read in Michigan once but in California fourteen times. It was, in fact, read in twenty eight USA states.

Our blog was read more in Russia than it was in the USA. (This raises the Blonde question, ‘Can you be a double agent without realising it?’)

Nobody in Greenland read the blog, but one person in Kenya did. (We should maybe visit Greenland and put this situation right!)

We haven’t yet spread to the outskirts of Kyrgyztan, we have only been read in Bishkek. (Kyrgyztan has some impressive-looking mountains).

33% of our readers are aged between twenty-five and thirty-four. Only 12.5% are in our age-bracket (which is obviously much younger!)

There are still more boys reading the Blonde Blog than girls, but only just! (Proving that boys and girls have equal amounts of sense!)

A third of our readers do so on a mobile device. (This is almost certainly because they are all at the top of mountains.)

We are read most in English, but also in Dutch, Russian and Spanish. (Soy Rubia!)

Maybe the most important number is this one:

Today Two Blondes Walking is FOUR years old!


Next year the world!