By: Blonde One

Here’s the story of Blonde One’s day on Saturday …

The 4 fantastic kids, myself and Andy our minder set off from Whiteworks to our ‘rescue’ site. One of our youngsters very ably navigated to our site and was very proud to be shown his Viewranger trace on Andy’s phone which confirmed his status as a top class navigator. The day had begun very well! We pitched our tent, set up our camp to appear as if there had been a meths stove explosion and began the very important job of enjoying the sunshine. The radio was a constant source of information for Andy and he kept us up to date with the Rescue group’s and the other ‘casualties’ progress. Although we were having a lovely time it was a welcome sight to see the ‘hasty team’ running over the brow of the hill. It was time to begin our performance. I was to play the stroppy adult, ask lots of questions and generally be a bit in the way. (Our youngsters cheekily suggested afterwards that I played this role very well!) Our top navigator was to pretend to be in shock, two girls were to have arm burns but the most severe casualty was suffering severe burns to his face and smoke inhalation. They all played their parts excellently! The hasty team soon had things under control and we were joined by the rest of the rescue party. The make up, acting ability and skill of the rescue team meant that they had diagnosed the problems really swiftly and an evacuation was soon underway. The burns to face victim was carefully loaded onto the stretcher and whisked away. The rest of us were comforted and escorted off the moors. It was all so very swift and professional I was in awe of each and every one of them. I still can’t quite believe that they dealt with such a potentially serious and life threatening situation with the calm and controlled manner that they did. The lessons that we all learned from the day were significant and serious but my most vivid memory is when one young lady asked where the stove was when it exploded, was told ‘inside the tent’, said “well, how stupid are we?! That’s the first thing you tell us, don’t ever cook inside the tent!” It’s good to know that they do listen and learn!

Although we all had a fantastic day and it was fun for the Two Blondes and the team of 8 youngsters, it was good to hear that the youngsters appreciated the fact that the Rescue team had been working all week, were actually working all weekend training and would go back to work on Monday.