By: Blonde Two

Well I know what we Blondes are going to be doing today; and we hope very much that some of you are coming to do it with us!Dart the River book launchToday (callooh callay) Two Blondes, one illustrating sister, lots of books and a red kayak will be at the High Moorland Visitor Centre in Princetown between 11 am and 1.30 pm (it’s the big stone building on the corner, conveniently close to the pub!). We will be signing books (Blondes), demonstrating our illustrative skills (not Blondes) and generally being chatty and friendly (all of us). We don’t charge for photos or autographs, will share our Jelly Babies and may need a snack or two at around 12.00 if you would like to bring one up!DTR ColouringWe like to (but don’t often get to) meet our blog readers; so if you are are thinking about a Dartmoor walk; which you should be because the weather is looking proper autumn lovely (that was a Devonshire accent); do please pop in and say hello. We will be in a special room all of our own, just follow the smell of Jelly Babies!Jelly Babies SmallLike all Blonde expeditions; this one requires a list, here is what is on our’s so far:

Jelly Babies (round up the Naughty-Yellows)
Red Kayak (like on the book cover)
Paddle (not sure, may break windows)
Helmet (get the spiders out first)
Buoyancy Aid (brush off the cobwebs)
Sharpie Pens (stolen from Little-Miss-Blonde’s bedroom)
Business Cards (note to self, give some out)
Table Cloth (hide the curry stain)
Sister (looking suitably arty)
Blondes (eyes or glasses?)
Paints (leave that up to my sister)
Pants (not the same thing as paints but important)
Snacks (haven’t got any, relying on charitable donation)

You’re probably having a Sunday morning lie-in … we are not! See you later, we’ll be the Blondes in the corner!Blondes Cave Small