By: Blonde Two

I had one of those moments a few weeks ago.  You know the ones, there you are, beer in hand, curry on table, DofE friends all around and your tongue runs away with you.  I sometimes forget that real conversations are not like those on Two Blondes or on Twitter.  You can’t unwrite a real conversation and you can’t unsay a real challenge.

If you sit six outdoorsy girls (lots of mascara) and six expeditiony blokes (traces of mascara) at a table full of curry and beer, sooner or later, the conversation and atmosphere is going to turn “gender competitive”.  When you are a Two Blonde, you have to pick your challenge carefully.  Speed or hill climbing challenges are a bit of a no-no against boys, as are driving or finding anything by car.  Night navigation however, is something that we can do!

Let’s not kid ourselves though, this was not a carefully calculated challenge!  Before I knew it the Blonde competitiveness had set in, the words were out of my Blonde mouth and NightNavOff was born.  A team of ladies, a team of gents, a course set by some of our friends from Ashburton Dartmoor Rescue in their spare time away from team duties (let’s hope they don’t get called out!) and a dark night on Dartmoor.  This Saturday, somewhere on Dartmoor (even the Blondes don’t know where) – NightNavOff is a goer!