By: Blonde Two

Well dear Blondees and Blondettes. We Blondes don’t often come to you for help but we could do with some today.

On Saturday (as you have probably noticed) we will be launching our new children’s book “The Dartmoor Christmas Tree” at the Princetown Visitor Centre’s Christmas Fair (that’s Dartmoor for you Northerners). We are very excited and feel quite honoured.

We are also a little bit stumped. You see, we have been asked to do a short talk about all things Blonde and about our book. Now we Blondes are pretty good at talking. Sometimes some sense comes out of our mouths, sometimes complete Blondeness but, at the end of the day, we get the talking job done. What we are not sure about for Saturday is what to talk about. What will people want to know about The -World-of-Blonde?  What can we tell them that we haven’t already published?  How many of our secrets will we need to reveal?

Which is where you come in. What would you like to ask the Two Blondes?  If you could sit down at Fox Tor Cafe and have lunch with us (at least one of you has), what would you want to find out as you munched your cheesy chips?

All question suggestions gratefully received and we promise that we will do our best to answer them (even the really weird ones) in our talk on Saturday.  I’ll let you know how we get on.