By: Blonde Two

Well Blondees and Blondettes, the Two Blondes have well and truly taken landed on the Isle of Man. Blonde One appears to be the only person driving a minibus and we have almost the whole of the campsite to ourselves. Our fantastic Gold team has set off with rucksacks so full of four days food that they look like they might explode. By the look of the map and the view from our campsite, they have some hills to climb and one of the hills is actually a mountain!

There is so much to tell you but let’s start with Liverpool:

Blonde One drove the beautifully “Tetris” packed minibus up to Liverpool in style. The minibus playlist (each of us chose four tracks) proved to be eclectic and we all particularly enjoyed the drum and bass track called “Blood Sugar” (I didn’t have any blood left at all by the end of it). There was also an introduction to dub reggae in the form of a group called Kanka (canker inducing I would say). I am considering finally using the emergency ear plugs that I have carried in my rucksack for years on the journey home.

Liverpool was hot and we had very nearly melted into Blonde puddles after a night at the (rather nice) Youth Hostel. There was an early awakening to a cacophonous homicide of pterodactyls (who may or may not have really been seagulls) and we had to make the tough choice between suffocating behind shut windows and being taken off to await our dubious fate as pterodactyl nutrition on top of the Liver Building.

Despite the heat, we are both thinking of going back to Liverpool as the docks have a fascinating looking collection of museums and galleries as well as some beautiful buildings. We were particularly pleased when we managed to take a “selfie” (in the Oxford Big Dic) of all eight of us and one Liver Bird.