By: Blonde One

You may remember that a while ago I blogged about my inability to keep myself warm despite purchasing more and more kit of ever increasing price. I declared that I was beyond hope in that blog and that I was giving up trying to keep myself warm. Well, I changed my mind (a Blonde is allowed to be contrary, you know)! I admit that along with Young Leader, Numbers, I am a little bit obsessed with shopping online at Cotswolds, and I have this week succumbed to temptation and have ordered a new sleeping bag. It has been in my online shopping basket for ages. I don’t need one … the one I have is lovely and would keep any ordinary person nice and toasty warm. My reason for purchasing is this … I ‘need’ a lighter weight one for this year’s trip to Morocco and I can use it as a liner with my existing one when Dartmoor ‘does its thing’ and throws cold and ice at me. It all seems perfectly reasonable to me and I have even justified the (quite high) price tag by reminding myself that I am saving a huge £60 with a DofE discount; it must be a bargain, right?! I will let you know when it arrives and how I get on.

You might wonder why the blog title ‘Only you …’? Well, Little Miss Blonde summed me up when she said “Only you would have a down sleeping bag with a 3 figure price tag as a liner!” I think she’s just jealous!!!