By: Blonde Two
Every now and then, some of the Blonde offspring read Two Blondes Walking. I like it when they do. They like it when they are mentioned!
Now Six-Foot-Blonde has started his own blog (Blonde competition). It is all about his love of hammocking, and I have to say that I like his style. I’ve added it to the Blonde Blogroll and you can have a look here if you want to.
Please don’t mention the lack of capital ‘i’ in one of the titles. He will think I put you up to it. You could, however, ask him if he has brushed his teeth today or been eating like a terrorist. He will understand!
Ah that oh-so-recognisable subterranean yet ineradicable desire to assert one’s sense of parenthood. Jolly words which fail to disguise the need to guide, to shape, to correct, to chastise. You ain’t fooling me any more than I’m fooling you. Lower-case i, forsooth.
Clearly a desire to censor those who comment. Just in case you failed to recognise the style, it was RR, your old – nay, antediluvian – nemesis.
Obviously we knew exactly who that comment was from. Six-Foot-Blonde has just promised me that when he is famous he will need to employ us as capital letter spotters!