By: Blonde Two
It has been a while since Blonde One and I were on Dartmoor at night together. Last week request from young friends led to us taking a small party out.
As if to celebrate our return, Dartmoor had put on a splendid show of crisp air, a cloud-teased moon and stars with absolutely no stripes. The ground was wet but not foot-sucking, there were tussocks but they weren’t ankle-breaking and it was that perfect sort of dark that allows the shadows of the ridges to drag a line across the sky.
We were overseeing some navigation practice so didn’t walk too far but I experienced that feeling that comes over me once in a while; the feeling that I could have walked for ever. On into the morning I suppose, when the shadows would have slipped away, the stars would have hidden and the grass would just have been grass again.
It’s all part of the Dartmoor magic, I can recommend it.
Anyone else want to climb the clouds in the moonlight.
I walked through the night on the 30/30 challenge on Exmoor in October, its a wonderful feeling walking into the sunrise