By: Blonde One
As you already know Ordnance Survey have made it even easier to Get Outside with their new Green Spaces mapping. This allows you to find any green space in the UK, whether it’s a park or woodland.
Copyright Ordnance Survey 2017
If you don’t travel far from home it also allows you to find areas on your doorstep that you might never have explored before. I visited one such green space close to home recently. As you can see from the screenshot Baker’s Park is very close to an urban area but it is well worth a visit. If you live close to here I would recommend a visit. There’s a children’s play park, tennis courts, trees, the River Lemon and plenty of space to run around or relax. There’s also Bradley Manor, a medieval manor house now owned by the National Trust and also worth a visit. In the woods themselves there’s plenty of intrigue and mystery from the stories surrounding ‘Puritan’s Pit’ to the ghost of the night time galloping horse.
This walk took just under 2 hours from door to door and was as good as any walk that I might have had in a new area. It’s beneficial in so many ways to enjoy your local area. Unfortunately it seems that lots of areas near to where I live are under threat from developers so it’s even more important to enjoy them while I can and before they are turned into a sprawling housing estate!