By: Blonde One
Mr Blonde One has recently had a ‘0’ birthday. You know the ones: 30, 40, 50, etc? One of his presents was a flying lesson from Exeter Airport. He enjoyed it very much and if it wasn’t for the cost, I think he would be considering it as another hobby.
Whilst I was waiting for him to come back I occupied myself with another type of map that I’d never seen before. This aeronautical chart was on the wall of the waiting room and was fascinating in its detail. It was very complicated and I didn’t stand any chance whatsoever of being able to understand it, but I spent quite a while admiring it anyway!
I was bemused and fascinated in equal measures by the codes, shading, lines and colours. I was also a little worried about ‘laser sites’, ‘high intensity radio transmission areas’ and ‘gas venting sites’!
I don’t think the Two Blondes navigation expertise quite stretches this far.
Was hoping to do that on my ‘0’ day this year, but pennies were not present! But one day – – -. It’s amazing all the things we live among but are unaware of – you could be living in a high intensity radio transmission area and never know about it; in fact, we probably are!