By: Blonde One

Thanks to Gomaps and Dartmoor Search and Rescue Ashburton I have a fabulous new addition to my classroom wall. This map is obviously amazing! Here are just a few of the reasons why:

  1. It’s of Dartmoor.
  2. It’s huge.
  3. It will help with DofE expedition planning.

Here’s just one reason why it might not be so good:

  1. It will distract me from teaching and cause me to gaze at it instead of getting on with my work!


Being able to see a trace of a four day Gold DofE expedition in one place will significantly help with planning (both me and the team). It will also help my Silver DofE team to get an idea of how far they have to walk during their three day expedition.

This foam backed wall map has been made by the brilliant Gomaps from Buckfastleigh. Have a look at their website for some fantastic map based products. I have already created my own wish list! How many map printed products in a home is too many?