By: Blonde One

Over the weekend of the Ten Tors challenge I received a very posh invitation. I was invited to lunch by the Wessex Reserve Forces’ and Cadets’ Association on behalf of the school and its CCF.

I was a little nervous for a few reasons but mainly because I knew that I wouldn’t have showered since Friday and deodorant and body spray can only do so much!

The event was very informative and enjoyable. I learned such a lot about the work of our Reserve Forces and their importance to the country. I met some interesting and important people. It was a bit strange to be in my walking gear but surrounded by the most important people to Devon and the Ten Tors event. I was very lucky to share a delicious roast lunch with the Lord Lieutenant of Devon who was there representing the Royal Family, Devon and Somerset Fire Service Chief Fire Officer, the Deputy CEO of the Met Office, Brigadier Steve Hodder CEO of the Wessex RFCA, Colonel Coote Director of Ten Tors and so many other fascinating people who all share a common interest in either Ten Tors, the youth of Devon or the Reserve Forces and Cadets.

We were treated to a behind the scenes look at Ten Tors when we were allowed admission into the central control room. It was a hive of industry as numerous different agencies from Dartmoor Search and Rescue to the technical support group worked in perfect unison to keep our youngsters safe and supported. It was the highlight of the lunch for me and gave me even more appreciation of the work that goes into this important event.