By: Blonde One


The Blonde Review of the year is always my favourite blog post; it reminds me of the fabulous things that have happened in the last year and excites me for what is to come in the year ahead.

My own 2017 has undoubtedly been dominated by the move to Trinity School and the settling in that a change in teaching entails. I think it’s fair to say that it’s been a very happy year!

Here’s the Trinity (do you see what I did there?!!) of amazing things:

  1. Most importantly I feel as if I am allowed the freedom to be a good teacher. I plan my lessons based on the students that I have in front of me instead of some agenda (hidden or otherwise) that the school may have. I can enjoy marking again as it’s a celebration of all the superb learning that has taken place. I am enjoying spending time with students that are encouraged to thrive, whatever their interests, abilities and passions.
  2. Outdoor Education is encouraged and fully supported. I am enjoying being involved in the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award, World Challenge and Ten Tors, and I enjoy the support that I receive to allow this involvement. The extra-curricular offer at Trinity is superb and allows students to experience a full range of enriching and exciting opportunities.
  3. Every person that is associated with the school – students, staff, parents, governors – have all contributed to making my last year a happy one.

It may sound like hyperbole but every single day at work something happens to make me feel glad and very lucky to be part of the Trinity community. I look forward to my second year with eager anticipation!