By: Blonde One

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Now, today is a special day for many reasons (most of which I won’t go into) but the main reason is that’s it’s my birthday! I don’t mind birthdays and despite being a woman ‘of a certain age’ I still look forward to this special day and don’t worry about my age too much. I have had some lovely cards, messages and presents including some very nice outdoorsy things. One of my best presents though has to be from Blonde Two! I unwrapped a very heavy present to reveal a jar of Fortnum and Mason jelly babies! How posh!!!!!

They are delicious and if you ever get chance to try some then I recommend you do so. I can’t say that I will share mine as they will probably all be gone pretty soon!

Despite the fact that they both taste yummy there are some differences:

The Fortnum ones are called ‘Bouncing Babies’ even though they are awfully still. I’m not sure what would happen if you put them on a trampoline though!

The Fortnum ones are a bit more skinny so you have to eat more of them. Perhaps that’s because they are ‘bouncing’.

The Fortnum ones have no faces. How can I tell what mood they’re in?

I think I have discovered that they are not as naughty as the originals, especially the yellow ones. They seem to be innocently sitting their jar waiting for me at the moment. We’ll see!