By: Blonde Two
I am lucky enough to have a biggish house (three growing teenagers necessitated its purchase). It is a lovely one with many rooms in which I can work. Both Two Blondes Walking and Fi Darby Freelance are managed from the kitchen, the spare room, the downstairs office, the lounge and even the bedroom. This freedom to choose is one of the many joys of freelance working, I could even do it from Norm’s farm in New Zealand if I wanted to. Talk about flexible working, this week I have had at least 2 days when I started at 4 am, not because I had to but because I was awake and felt like it.
I have also been doing a fair amount of copywriting work in the garden. I have to discipline myself in case my ‘Get Outside’ persona becomes entangled with my ‘Earn Some Money’ persona and either implodes or goes back inside and earns no money whatsoever, but if I allow myself a little bit of garden pottering or watering in between jobs it all seems to work out.
On Saturday I was doing rather more gardening than writing (this time Blonde blog posts) and was very happy doing so. It became tricky however to continue with the writing element of this arrangement when drops of rain started falling on my laptop. I am quite happy to stay outside in the rain but my laptop, I suspect isn’t. Unwilling to abandon my ‘Get Outside’ persona completely I moved a chair and myself into the greenhouse. I asked my seedlings if they minded first and none of them objected to the invasion.
I can see why plants grow so well in a greenhouse, being there made me very happy, I was sheltered from the wind but still had a gentle breeze on my face and the temperature (I left the door open) was just on the dozy side of warm.
When I am a recognised author with my own copywriting empire (I don’t really want an empire) I will have one of those summer house shed things with a desk and wood burner. That will maybe make me even happier, but for now I think the greenhouse is a great Get Outside option and I am considering moving a desk in for the winter!
I was hugely influenced by all things Dylan Thomas around the time when I left school in 1956 (he had died in 1953). When I walked the Welsh boundary I visited Dylan’s house and his writing hut which is situated high on the cliff path above the house – that rated as one of the most moving experiences I can remember. Here is a link to a few photos. Of course Dylan was hugely talented and could have written anywhere, but he must have gained chunks of inspiration living and writing in that glorious Welsh coastline hideaway.
See: Poem on his Birthday
How beautiful. I will put that on my ‘to visit’ list I am sure Blonde One will come with me as we both love poetry and have been known to share poems out on Dartmoor.