By: Blonde Two
The phrase ‘back to school’ has different meanings for different people and at different phases in their lives. Without young children or a term time only job anymore, September shouldn’t really hold any significance for me but it does have one big impact. I am convinced that, as the kids head back to school and the holiday visitors home again, Devon breathes a sigh of relief.
It isn’t that we don’t like visitors. I have had some lovely days on pretty crowded beaches this year and everyone deserves a bit of seaside time and a break from routine. Here in Torbay we get used to six weeks of additional traffic, noise from the fair and the occasional smell from overworked sewers, but it is nice when those things go away again.
Devon is settling back down into more usual rhythms and I am joining her. As the days shorten and the sea cools, I shall enjoy darker and shorter morning dips and longer nights in tents. I will see the sun move away from my garden and instead eat my tea on hills overlooking sunsets.
Getting outside can be exciting and boisterous but it can also be about the quieter things in life. Autumn is a really good time in which to contemplate these.