By: Blonde One

We Blondes have lots of first aid experience between us. We are both fully training to administer first aid and particularly in the outdoors. On several occasions we have had to use our skills: both for minor and more major incidents. Luckily this skill isn’t called on too often!

After a recent walk, Blonde Two decided that she needed to take some medication to sort out some aches and pains. She opened her well stocked first aid kit and removed two capsules that looked decidedly dodgy to me. They were huge, blue and white capsules that looked to me as if they were intended for some other kind of administering (if you understand what I mean?!). After Blonde Two had taken the tablets and finished her fit of the giggles she did check the packet and luckily they were intended for oral use! Her aches and pains soon disappeared; was it the capsules or the giggles that cured her?