By: Blonde One
Avenue Tor isn’t the name of a secret tor on Dartmoor that you’ve never heard of! It’s actually a type of tor. Usually a granite tor is a single stack (or a close together group of stacks) whereas an avenue tor is just what it says … it has an avenue running through the middle of the stacks. Pil Tor is a good example of an avenue tor. You can see on the map that there’s even a path running through it. Erosion has caused this land feature as the centre avenue has had the granite worn away
Avenue tors are a good navigation feature as they are easier to identify on the map than the more usual type of tors.
Copyright Ordnance Survey
What is the history relating to Foale’s Arrishes. I suppose I could Google, but it could be a blogger’s gift for you?
Hi Conrad. B1’s having problems with our website at the moment but she wanted me to pass this link on to you…
That should save your Google brain!