By: Blonde One

I am very pleased to be the new owner of a very lovely Berghaus rucksack. I have always used a Berghaus rucksack for ‘big’ expeditions until I suddenly found myself bereft of my favourite one. Little Miss Blonde decided that she needed to ‘borrow’ mine and take it on her huge adventure to South East Asia. She has borrowed my rucksack before: for Ten Tors, DofE, World Challenge trip to Botswana and Zambia, and various other trips. These trips have been short lived and my trusty rucksack has found its way back to me with the month. Little Miss Blonde and Number’s trip to South East Asia has been far longer than a month and they have just announced that they are going to walk from North to South New Zealand later this year too. So you see, the chances of getting my rucksack back have reduced to zero! So I took what I thought was a momentous decision and decided to formally donate the old one to Little Miss Blonde. You can read about some of their adventures at

I asked her to send some pictures of her with the rucksack for me to use for this blog post. Here’s what she sent:

As you can see Cambodia is stunning and the rucksack looks quite at home at her side and on her back. It would be cruel to separate the two!

My new Berghaus rucksack, the Women’s Wilderness 60+15 is great. It looks fantastic and I can’t wait to get out on the hills to try it. It seems to have all of the right things for a Blonde. It has the important hipbelt pockets for easy access to Jelly Babies. It has an adjustable back using their very own BIOFIT™ system to ensure maximum comfort. It has easy access through the top or front so that on those occasions when you’ve forgotten where you stored your spare down jacket, it’s not a major operation to find it. It even has a key hook in the top lid pocket to help avoid those ‘where the heck are the minibus keys’ moments!

Watch this space to read about how it performs outside.