By: Blonde Two

“Hard to believe that another year has gone past.”

Everyone says that don’t they?

Except, of course, for us Blondes (we like to be different); we feel the opposite, that it is hard to believe that so much has happened in one year. It has been another one of ups and downs (and not just walking ones). Here we go with part one of our review of 2015:

January – Expedition Days 1, Expedition Night Nav 1
B2 starts off the year with a very damp and grey bivvy, both Blondes discover Dartmoor’s ‘Whooping Rock’, B2 sleeps in a Welsh Bothy  and a visit up to the East Dart Waterfall kicks off production of Blonde-Book-Two ‘Dart the River’

DSC_3310B2 BivvyEast Dart WaterfallOutside Bothy Bridge

February – Expedition Days 1, Expedition Nights 1, Training Evenings 2
Blonde One discovers a new, not so nice, use for contact lenses, the Blondes decide the February is the best time to conquer Pen y Fan, Blonde Two debates the meaning of life and both Blondes experience a ‘virtual’ Dartmoor Rescue

B2 Corn Du PathPen y Fan and Corn DuB9n88ZSIEAA27aWDSC_0732

March – Expedition Days 4, Expedition Nights 3, Training Evenings 2

Blonde Two observes an eclipse and some horsing-around on Dartmoor, the ‘Full Blondish’ breakfast is invented

B2 EclipseB2 and NAAB EclipsePonies Eclipse 2Eclipse 1

April – Expedition Days 7, Expedition Nights 4

The Two Blondes set a night-nav contour conundrum, and provide the answers, Blonde Two drinks canal water and a Dartmoor DofE expedition brings some Aprilery Foolery

Clean v Dirty 1DSC_3833

May –  Expedition Days 6, Expedition Nights 4

Ten Tors month brings team success and a musical scandal, the Blondes hand over a whole DofE expedition to their Young Leaders and learn a bit about Natural Navigation

DSC_4354Vango Soul 3 Review20150517_104741Fernworthy Edge 35s

June – Expedition Days 2, Expedition Nights 1

Blonde Two experiences the Cairngorms for the first time, Blonde One has particularly naughty hair and a ‘girls only’ meeting with her World Challenge youngsters

B2 Ben Rinnes Summit 2B2 GlenfiddichIMGP2112Bowerman 4

Find out what happened to Dartmoor’s Two Blondes during the latter half of 2015 tomorrow …