By: Blonde Two

The obvious answer to this question is clearly “yes” – after all, are not all Blondes on the fit end of the spectrum?

I am referring, however, to the concern that starts to niggle at me at around this time every year.  The day is looming again when Blonde One and I will need to be able to chase across the moor alongside our Ten Tors trainees.  I have have been out on the moors as often as possible but over recent weeks, for a variety of reasons, my gym attendance has dwindled to somewhere between patchy and non-existent.   I have a couple of weeks off work now and aim to do some fitness catching up.  I am going to be staying just under some pretty close together contour lines so that should help.  A quick Bimble up those lines before breakfast every morning should do it (who am I kidding!)

There is a month-ish to go now before our first outing which will be fine because it is always more of a navigation session than a flog-them-up-a-hill outing.  I don’t know why I worry about it, everyone knows that speed is not really my thing – Blonde One knows, the kids know and Dartmoor definitely knows.  It is only my ego that needs to be told and then I can walk more happily and stop worrying about it.

The good news is that this year, the Two Blondes are in charge of who walks where and with whom.  We have already marked our 55 Mile team as needing to march ahead of us.  Luckily, they are pretty slick navigators and are competent in planning their own routes.  Even more luckily, we have a staff member who wants mountain running practise and can chase them should we need her to.

I am guessing that there are lots of other people out there who keep fit in order to be able to do their hobby (jobby) rather than the other way around.  Must keep on top of it – after Blondes should be fit!