By: Blonde Two

I think sausages and ratatouille are usually different dishes but one pot cooking is ideal when you are cooking over a campfire and combining ingredients in slightly unusual ways can result in some great flavours. This particular dinner was cooked at Hole Station Adults Only Campsite and during its cooking, no adults were harmed. At Hole Station you can hire cooking tripods, which have an advantage over usual cooking platforms because you can raise and lower them over the flame. You can also swing your sausages, but I am not sure we should talk about that in polite company. I took my own frying pan because I love it… far too much!

Ingredients – Campfire Sausage Ratatouille

Sausages (good quality and as many you can carry)

1 large onion

1 red pepper

Half a red chilli

Two courgettes

A smidgen of olive oil



Method – Campfire Sausage Ratatouille

Spread a thin smear of oil and chilli over your pan (the inside) and put it over the flame

Add the sausages and wait for them to sizzle, drink some wine

If they don’t sizzle, drink some more wine and then (carefully) lower the cooking platform

When the sausages have sizzled for a while, turn them over and then drink some more wine

Keep turning the sausages over (and drinking wine) until they have browned (or bits of them have)

Add the chopped onions, red pepper and courgettes, stir and realise that you have run out of wine

Don’t add any wine to the dinner, you have drunk it all!

Keeping cooking until things look quite cooked and then eat them. If you want to, you can check the sausages are cooked; this is a good job for which to volunteer because you get to eat the biggest sausage… and who doesn’t enjoy that?!