By: Blonde Two
This blog post is dedicated to a good friend of the Blonde’s. She isn’t Blonde but we forgave her that fact ages ago because she is great fun, doesn’t mind looking silly and has given a lot of time to volunteering with young people.
Sadly (for us and for the young people of Torbay) but happily for her Captain Claire (she isn’t a captain but we are all hoping she will be very soon) has headed off to another seaside and starts her new job today. It is a very exciting job and one that we can all see will be right up her street (or on her tack). I can’t tell you too much about Captain Claire’s new job except to say that it involves lots of craft, some fabulous views and telling blokes what to do. We Blondes (plus one) are very much looking forward to visiting her and exploring her new place.
We had a bunkhouse party for Captain Claire a couple of weekends ago. ‘Four girls in a bunkhouse’ should really be the title of a novel, as far as I know it isn’t, but it was a recipe for a fabulous evening. We had:
Boats – all named and floated
A pub called simply ‘The Plume’ and some rather nice whisky
A bunkhouse room with a spare bunk for balloons
Some great food
Pressies from Devonshire
A quiz to find out who was the best sailor (luckily for Captain Claire she was, and no, Blonde One, Pingu was not a famous sailor)
An entertaining time creating ‘flatlay’ photographs from whatever we had with us
An even more entertaining time when we got confused about the photos and tried to ‘flatlay’ ourselves
Not much sleep!
So good luck and ahoy there Captain Claire. We will be down to visit you soon. Batten down your hatches, shiver your timbers, set yourself full to the gunwales and whatever you do… don’t be a DUFFER!
Thank you, thank you, thank you! I’ll try not to be a duffer! *must remember not to try power gives way to sail with the cross channel ferries*
Clare Francis springs to mind, but her first name is spelt differently.
Another of my anecdotes for your Claire.
There has been a bit about The Hat here – the one I have worn for years when backpacking. That hat replaced its predecessor on a sailing holiday off the Brittany coast with my two brothers. The original chapeau went overboard. Brother Nick, the rich one with the yacht, went into full “man overboard mode”. I was within a whisker of hooking the old hat with the boathook when an errant motor boat disobeyed your above mentioned rule of the sea and did not give way, so Nick had to go about very smartly. The hat then disappeared in a sort of zig-zag fashion into the depths. Later we went into La Rochelle, and that is where I bought The Hat. I think that was in 2006. The Hat has now nearly fallen to bits and I have reluctantly bought a replacement which will be featuring shortly in further exploits I hope.
It is the law of the sea that when an object falls over board it shall remain afloat until the hand or boat hook enters the water than it shall slowly sink so it is just out of reach.
As a founder member of The three Non-Blondes (captain Claire also being one) I too wish her well in her new job.☺x
Thank you Tel!
I can lend you an “Ancient Mariner” hat if it would help?
That would have made a great party prop!