By: Blonde One

It is only recently that I found out about county stones. I had never seen one before (I don’t think) and didn’t know what they were. I happened to put a photo of this one on Instagram and a very nice person helped me out when he asked about the ‘C stone’. This caused me to look it up. Where better to begin a search than on the amazing Legendary Dartmoor site? 

It seems that these stones are to be found on either side of a bridge with a road going over it and were introduced by Devon magistrates in 1841 in response to a tax levied originally by none other than Henry VIII. The C stones were placed at 30 paces from the centre of the bridge and they marked the area of responsibility for Devon to maintain the bridge and the road. Lots of them are missing or simply covered over by vegetation but I certainly am going to try and find a few more.