By: Blonde One

Our visit to Cranmere Pool a couple of weeks ago had an extra dimension that we didn’t share with you at the time as we didn’t want to spoil a potential surprise for Little Miss Blonde and Numbers. The letterbox used to be known for leaving mail for the next visitor to take to their destination and post, so I though I’d see if this still worked.

I was very prepared and bought a postcard, I wrote the address for Little Miss Blonde and Numbers on the right hand side and I made sure I had a pen with me to write the card in situ. The one crucial thing that I forgot was to out a stamp on it!!! Blonde Two will tell you that I was quite cross with myself but we both laughed at the typically ‘Blonde’ error! I decided to leave the card anyway and wrote a little note in the visitor book admitting to my error. I then kept my fingers crossed that someone extremely lovely would be kind enough to post the card anyway.

I was in luck! About 10 days after our visit the card arrived on the Isles of Scilly on the doormat of Little Miss Blonde and Numbers ( well, I say ‘on the doormat’ what actually happened is that it got left, along with all the other post, between the plant pot and spare staircase in the garage/conservatory!). As you can see from the picture it was John from Ohio and Harriet from Tiverton who were the very kind posties. They clearly arrived at Cranmere Pool with wet feet like we did!

The surprise was lovely and made even better because I was there when they received it.

So John and Harriet, I really hope you are reading this … Thank you so much for buying a stamp and posting my postcard!