By: Blonde Two

Update on Dartmoor wild camping

January 23rd 2023

The picture for wild camping on Dartmoor has changed following a well-publicised High Court decision. This is a developing and controversial situation. Thanks to efforts by the Dartmoor Commons Owners’ Association and Dartmoor National Park Authority, there are currently some areas on Dartmoor where you are still permitted to backpack/wild camp. You can read the news release from Dartmoor National Park Authority here. Please find below a summary.
  • You can currently wild camp on a reduced area of Dartmoor
  • You can view the new Dartmoor wild camping map here
  • If you camp within this area, you don’t need to seek the landowner’s permission
  • If you camp within this area, you don’t need to make an individual payment
  • This is a permissive agreement, which means it can be removed
  • Which means it’s more important than ever to make sure you adopt a leave-no-trace approach
  • Large groups, barbecues and campfires on Dartmoor are still prohibited


Wild camping = backpack camping

Please note: wild camping on Dartmoor is for backpack sized tents only. For family, group and camper van camping, the National Park has some beautiful official campsites. Camp cooking on a well-placed stove is great but please avoid campfires and barbecues as these contravene bylaws, cause long-term environmental damage, and (even in the winter) risk wildfires.

We Blondes often get asked about wild camping within the bounds of Dartmoor National Park. So much so that this summer we are once more running our own wild camping courses (when it will definitely be sunny!) We still have a couple of places available (ladies and gentlemen welcome) so if you fancy learning how to do any of the below do please get in touch. 

How to choose a Dartmoor wild camping pitch

We have talked to you about this before. Although Dartmoor is the only place in England that you are legally allowed to wild camp (although not the only place where wild camping happens) there are a few rules that Dartmoor National Park require you to follow. These include sticking to the areas marked on the Dartmoor Wild Camping map below (click on the image for a downloadable PDF), ensuring that you are at least 100 metres away from a road, checking that you are not in sight of property and avoiding ancient workings and monuments (these include stone circles and most areas enclosed by stone walls). Most importantly, wild camping on Dartmoor is for backpack sized tents, and one or two nights only. Dartmoor National Park Authority very sensibly prefer to call it ‘backpack camping‘.

Correct at time of publication – please check the current Dartmoor wild camping map

How to pack the right kit for wild camping

There is a balance to every thing in life and the same is true when packing for a wild camping trip. Whether you are a ‘cut my wooden spoon and toothbrush in half’ or an ‘I really need my blanket and my mascara’ kind of camper, we have advice that will suit you. We will definitely be including this advice on emergency walking kit.

How to feed yourself whilst wild camping

Everybody wants bacon and eggs for wild camping breakfast except those people who have actually tried to cook it (and then clean the pan with a handful of grass). We have done all kinds of wild camping cookery (including the Full Blondish Breakfast) on all types of camping stoves and are willing to share our triumphs and disasters (but not our actual dinner) with you.

How to keep warm whilst wild camping

Blonde history suggests that we aren’t really that good at this, but that is probably because we have a tendency to wild camp on Dartmoor in February. We have however learnt a few keeping warm tricks in the years that we have been wild camping and, although August is not usually too chilly, we will be happy to show you how we keep ourselves cosy.

How to use the toilet (there won’t be one) whilst wild camping

There definitely won’t be a toilet but you would be surprised how many tips there are about wild camping toilet needs. For example, we know how not to be spotted, full monty by a group of teenagers (well B1 does), we know where the wind should and shouldn’t blow and we know what to do with a trowel. If you are nice we will help you out, if you aren’t we will probably just laugh at your efforts.

So, if you fancy a few Dartmoor wild camping tips, a night of good laughs or just some time out with the Two Blondes don’t miss out on this year’s Wild Camping Workshop get in touch today before we run out of places. Be there, or be in a warm bed at home!!

Two Blondes Walking has an affiliate advertising relationship with Ordnance Survey

Almost wild camping. Three alternatives to wild camping on Dartmoor