By: Blonde Two

The Dartmoor Walking Festival

Walking Festivals are great and the Dartmoor Walking Festival (now in its 3rd year) is no exception. Run entirely by enthusiastic Dartmoor walkers, the Dartmoor Walking Festival offers everything anyone who enjoys walking on Dartmoor could be interested in. From night time Dartmoor legends to detailed explorations of the famous Dartmoor bogs, this walking festival really does have something at every level for any walker, hiker, bimbler or even plodder. This year all of the Dartmoor Walking Festival walks are linked to one or more of the collectable squares in the Dartmoor 365 book. If you aren’t already hiking Dartmoor collecting squares, ancient crosses, letterboxes or even lesser known caterpillars then you really should take a look at Dartmoor 365. We Blondes are on our way to completing it and walking in all 365 square miles of Dartmoor but we still have a lot of Dartmoor walking to do yet! Below are just a few examples of what the Dartmoor Walking Festival 2018 has to offer.


Easy walks – Dartmoor Walking Festival

Saturday August 25th – Dartmoor legends for the young at heart with Debbie Jenkin

Sunday August 26th – Sunset stroll over 3 tors with Inge Page


Longer walks – Dartmoor Walking Festival

Sunday August 26th – A walk into the wilderness with Liz Miall

Sunday August 26th – A waterfall, a leat and two pools with Deborah Martin


More unusual walks – Dartmoor Walking Festival

Sunday August 26th – Forest bathing at Fingle Bridge with the Woodland Trust

Monday August 27th – Tavistock Treasure Trail with Tavistock Ramblers


Two Blondes Walking walks – Dartmoor Walking Festival

Saturday August 25th and Sunday August 26th – Wild Camping Workshop with B1 and B2

Saturday September 1st – consolidation navigation training (for those with some navigation experience)

Do get in touch with us below if you would like to find out more about the above or any of our other navigation courses.


We Blondes also have navigation training days that fall outside of the Dartmoor Walking Festival dates. If you have no or very little navigation experience you might want to join us on one of our beginner navigation workshops or if you want to stretch your navigation skills a bit, why not join us on a night navigation workshop?

5 Things You Definitely Need For Night Navigation