By: Blonde Two

Short Dartmoor walks

We Blondes prefer to call our short Dartmoor walks Bimbles … here is why! Not everybody wants to go off stomping across Dartmoor for whole days at a time. We are all busy people and even the Two Blondes can’t get out for long walks every day.  Over the next few months, we will be helping you to solve this problem by telling you about our collection of Dartmoor short walks.

These are Dartmoor walks that we both love but that can be completed from “start of walk boot lacing” to “end of walk car cuppa” within one to two hours.  So no more excuses, keep an eye on this page and get yourself out as soon as you can for a Blonde Bimble. Let us know how you get on.

Dartmoor Short Walk One (Great Mis Tor)

Dartmoor Short Walk Two (Yar Tor)

Dartmoor Short Walk Three (Buckland Beacon)

Dartmoor Short Walk Four (Windy Cross)

Dartmoor Short(ish) Walk Five (Drizzle Combe)

Dartmoor Short Walk Six (Easdon Tor)