By: Blonde Two
Dear Aunty Fungus
Thank you very much for my Christmas present.
I have always wanted a fungus book and will have a lovely time exploring Dartmoor and shouting fungus-type names out loud when I recognise them. At the moment my fungi are called made-up names like ‘poo-fungus’, ‘orange-gooey fungus’ and ‘smelly toe fungus’ I shall look forward to giving them their correct monikers.
My last fungus of 2016 (I haven’t found one yet for 2016 because I have been busy swimming and although you find fun guys in the sea, I don’t think you find fungi!) was a King Alfred’s Cake (Daldinia Concentrica) and is going to be very useful for firelighting. I borrowed it from a dead tree in Malvern and am keeping it safe until I have an emergency fire-lighting requirement. I have to say that it looks a little bit like one of those fat brown slugs that you find under groundsheets.
My favourite fungus-find of all time was a spotty Fly Agaric which didn’t have a fairy on it but only because I think she had gone shopping.
I am on Dartmoor this weekend so will see what I can find.
Much love
Blonde Two
I love your fungii names and there are lots of splendid ones in the books too. I used to find Lawyer’s Wigs on my front lawn under the conifers where the cat was determined to have her kittens. I never found any lawyers, though. Just imagine them all arriving in court with naked heads.
Afterthought – I’m always glad to have some fun, but where can I find Gus?