By: Blonde Two
Firstly thank you for the maps, all of them, they get us and our youngsters safely from A to B, they give us ‘treasure hunts’ to enjoy and they have really lovely pictures of blue ducks on them. We are particularly pleased with the latest addition to our collection, OL 22 New Forest. We were excited to note that the New Forest (which is in fact old) has a Reptile Centre (presumably New Reptiles), a Portuguese Fireplace (probably not so new and not really Portuguese) and at only 40 metres above sea level some Highland Water (we are thinking ‘old and muddy’ here).
Thank you secondly for your enthusiasm for your work, for your love of the outdoors and for your appreciation of our wonderful British landscape. We Blondes love a bit of team work and it’s always great to see people working together towards a common goal.
But most of all, today we would like to say thank you to you all for organising such a fantastic Get Outside Champions’ launch. We had a lovely time meeting old friends and maybe making some new ones. We have put some faces to names and heard all kinds of inspirational ideas and stories.
A good job well done we say and we are already looking forward to next year (and maybe another Dartmoor bunkhouse trip).
See you soon
Blondes One and Two
PS If you can fix dinner with Ben Fogle you can definitely fix us a ride over Dartmoor in that aeroplane!