By: Blonde Two
On Saturday, I arrived at the Auckland terminal just on time for the ferry over to Rangitoto. This meant that I didn’t risk a wee pee stop.
On the ferry, I was too absorbed in wobbly photography, to take any notice of my bladder’s quiet comments.
At Rangitoto Wharf I managed to walk straight past the toilets in my eagerness to climb a volcano.
As I crossed the lagoon on a boardwalk, the gentle lapping made me realise that I should have been paying more attention.
“No problem.” I thought, “I’m a Blonde, I can pee in a bush, even a New Zealand one.”
But I was wrong! As I walked on, I couldn’t find a single place to go. Here were my options:
The exposed track? – Too many Japanese students (all with cameras.)
The bush? – Too low growing and entangled (besides I didn’t want to offend the tuis.)
The lava fields? – Too spiky (one slip and it would have been goodbye to some important bits.)
The beach? – Too beautiful (plus people were sitting in rows along it.)
The Portaloos? – Too scary (the teenagers in the queue before me were making horrified noises as they entered.)
The boardwalk? – No problem with drainage, but too many jandal (flipflop) wearing joggers.
The crater rim? – You really don’t want to offend those volcano gods while you are standing on top of their previous explosion.
Behind the summit trig point? – Too skinny and very public.
The lava caves? – Again too sharp and too many photographers.
The toilets back at Rangitoto Wharf? – Well obviously I should have gone there in the first place. Good to test the bladder’s stretchability from time to time though! I was in there for a long time and made sure that I obeyed the signage (although it might have been more adventurous not to!)
How to wee on a volcano…
1. Form a circle of ten+ people, shoulder to shoulder and facing outwards.
2. Person-needing-wee goes into the circle.
3. Ten people whistle/sing.
4. PNW wees discreetly under the din.
5. Take turns as necessary.
From experience, Nicaragua 2003.
Tricky if the ten people are random gathered strangers…
An excellent alternative. I feel a book coming on… anyone else?
Need a co-author?…plenty of other anecdotes – synchronised wee on Bolivian scree slope with 12 teenage girls, how NOT to use a Shewee…I could go on!
Is your real name Ju Loo?