By: Blonde Two

Blimey! It seems like ages since Blonde One and I got out to do some proper walking together. We have been the fabulous Isles of Scilly of course and we had a little sneaky ‘school night’ walk a while ago but we haven’t done any long Dartmoor walks or expeditions for far too long.

Which means that the great big hill that she and I are going to walk her new DofE Bronzes up this morning is going to come as a bit of a shock! I am excited though, it feels like far too long since we have worked together with youngsters and I have to confess that with all of our recent job changes and various shenanigans I had wondered if we ever would.

That hill however is definitely going to require some engagement of the buttocks and careful judgement about when to attempt speech. The good thing about Bronzes is that they are DofE newbies and, of course, will need plenty of stops for navigation pointers, team talks and just about any other excuse we can think of.

We will let you know how it all goes… in the meantime, like I said, I am very excited to be back in the expedition saddle with Blonde One!