By: Blonde One
Never has something been so hotly contested in Devon and Cornwall as to whether you put jam on first or cream. The Cornish way is jam first and the Devonshire way is cream first.
Never has something been so hotly contested in Devon and Cornwall as to whether you put jam on first or cream. The Cornish way is jam first and the Devonshire way is cream first.
Devonshire is clearly the correct way 😃
You could mix cream and jam together before applying? Perhaps I should have posted as “Anonymous” for this one to avoid being keelhauled.
It depends whether you want to have pink jam or pink cream. (If you put the jam on first some of it will inevitably get into the cream pot, but if you put the cream on first, some of it will inevitably get into the jam dish) – unless you are going to be very good indeed and go to the extravagance of washing up TWO spoons