By: Blonde Two
I should admit straight away that the phrase, ‘Friends who say ‘yes’ is not mine (it is however a tad confusing to type on the quotation mark front). It is also a most excellent phrase, one I have adopted and, in recent months, been experiencing a lot.
Having a bunch of female friends who say ‘yes’ when you come up with mad outdoor ideas (or who will come up with mad outdoors ideas themselves) is a blessing indeed. Blonde One has always been super-excellent at ‘yes’ saying but recently I have discovered that there are lots of girls out there who also want to say (if not shout) their ‘yes’ from the rooftops, from the hilltops and whilst bobbing in the ocean.
There is, however, one drawback to friends who say ‘yes’. If you can’t work it out, try finding a date to do something with them. Two such ladies and we Two Blondes have been trying to do just that for a wild night of bivvying and it would appear that we have all been saying ‘yes’ so much that we have no dates left until October. You think I am exaggerating, but I am not. Between us we are visiting the Yukon, Peru, The Isles of Scilly, a secret destination and another secret destination. We are leading DofE expeditions, organising longer treks and writing about it along the way. We are kayaking, canoeing, swimming, walking, camping, teaching navigation, leading walks, public speaking and just occasionally sleeping!
As I type I realise we sound like the sort of people I want to spend time with. I am definitely not going to start saying, ‘no’ but I do need to remember to book myself early next year!
On that note, do you fancy a sneaky little wild camp next Sunday? After 2 days of Bronze DofE, cake and coffee at Holne, and before Bank Holiday relaxation!
Well ‘YES’ of course!!!
Broughy said ‘Yes’ and we have had a bimble on your territory!
Happy days!
A bimble on our territory is always a lovely experience!