By: Blonde Two

Today (27th September 2020) is National GetOutside Day 2020. A on which, we encourage as many people as possible, across the UK to enjoy the benefits of a bit of time outdoors. For many of us 2020 has been a year in which we have rediscovered the outdoors in new and often very local ways. This is certainly true of the Two Blondes. We have both explored walking possibilities from our front doors, B1 has been doing a bit of sunrise sea swimming and I have grown more vegetables than ever before.

We can’t organise any group events this year but there are a few ideas (in photo form) below of how you might like to join us making GetOutside Day 2020 an extra special one. We hope you can be with your loved ones but if not how about sharing your outdoor experience with them afterwards? There’s always group chats of course but something a bit more traditional might be enjoyable for both parties. We suggest a letter, some art or even a poem or song.

Don’t forget to check out Ordnance Survey’s GetOutside Day page, and enter their fantastic Get Outside prize draw to win some fabulous outdoor gear and a year’s subscription to their OSMaps app.

Whether you are up a mountain or in the depths of your garden, enjoy your outdoors today and do let us know how you got on.

Get Outside Day 2020 – Ideas

  1. Take a dog for a walk (probably best to check with the owner first)
  2. Have an outdoor shower (try a milk carton with holes in)
  3. Stand in a puddle (if you can’t find one a bucket might do)
  4. Wear a wetsuit (and get into some water)
  5. Sit in a tent in the dark (if you wear an eye mask you can pretend it’s dark)
  6. Climb a rock (choose one that looks higher than it actually is)