By: Blonde Two

We’ve all seen recent pictures of beauty spots ruined by uneducated behaviour but not all the lockdown green space stories are unhappy ones. All over the country previously neglected parks, woodland, lanes and fields (not to mention puddles) have found a new lease of life, and become more loved.

I’m sure there are similar tales to tell across the country. For example at my favourite beach you can now observe all kinds of activities, previously hidden away in gyms but now out in the open.

We would love to hear about your local green spaces and how they have adapted to the recent increase in outdoor exercise. For me it hasn’t been the beach but my local copse that’s been my life saver. I have always enjoyed it but changes are afoot and now, along with a fair few other people, I love it even more. The other day I took my microphone for a walk with me to try and explain the changes and how I was feeling about them. This podcast is the result.