By: Blonde Two
Blonde One and I may or may not have got a little bit over-excited in her classroom on Thursday lunchtime. This was because we had not one, but two exciting parcels to open.
Both of the parcels were from the lovely people at Ordnance Survey, and they were both rewards for being Get Outside Champions. Have a think what parcel-sized things Blondes like best (well Dartmoor wouldn’t fit through the letterbox and would be a bit soggy to wrap just now).
The first parcel was a map-shaped cardboard box (Blonde One was almost as pleased with a perfectly-sized map box as with her maps). Opening it was almost more than Blonde excitement could bear because inside was map after map after map, all Ordnance Survey 1:25,000, all potential walks. Have a look at them all laid out on the table. We are going to visit Scotland, Wales and even Cornwall; in fact, we Blondes are going to be exploring all three corners of the British Isles.
You might (quite rightly) be wondering what we are going to wear to visit all three corners of the British Isles. Well the answer to that question lay in our second Ordnance Survey parcel, which contained some really smart outdoor gear. You will be able to see more of our gear soon because we are taking it all to London for our photoshoot on Tuesday. Here is a little shot of it arranged on my bed, can you see the word “Champion”? I can’t wait to Get it all Outside!
Hee – it’ll all look a bit better with its first dollop of mud! Well done, champs.
Wow! Blond AND orange! Have fun on London! Love, B2’sGM
What treasure those maps are! I’ve never been able to read a map without wanting to go there – see if the reality is as good as the “book” suggests. Maps are truly magical reads.
Are the explorations you are to do the choice of OS, or your own? And will they simply be wanderings, or something better known so as to get the OS Ambassador message across?