By: Blonde Two
For this week’s Monday Mashup we have some very exciting news to reveal. Our favourite tree, The Dartmoor Christmas Tree (Tree to his friends) has been awarded an prize in the High Places Tree Awards 2019.
We asked Tree what he thought about his award…
‘Winning the gold medal in the ‘Between a Rock and a Hard Place’ category means so much to me. I’m not ashamed to say that I shed a few needles when I heard the news.’
When asked what he was going to do with his £2.50 prize money, Tree responded that he wanted to get his name on the map.
We know some mapping people who might be able to help with that!!!
O K you got me, 10.20 a.m. so it counts, but it’s a nice idea anyway – Tree deserves a prize!
He certainly does. Maybe we should put him in for Tree of the Year!