By: Blonde Two
Changes are afoot in the World-of-Blonde; some good, some not so good, some of our making and some not.
We have plans for 2016 of course, we wouldn’t be Blondes without plans. No lists have yet been made, except those in our heads, but I believe the titles of the lists are forming.
One thing that I would like to do this year would be to organise a revolution (should revolutions be ‘organised’?). A revolution, I imagine, is much more immediate and therefore more satisfying than a resolution; who wants to wait for a whole year to discover success or failure? Far better a quick blast of a whistle, a waving of a metaphorical placard and a Blonde stomping of feet.
But what would be the subject of my revolution? So many ‘green’ issues to choose from; climate change? (A bit wet), re-wilding? (Could be a sheep in wolf’s clothing), fracking? (Maybe too ‘underground’). I think I will stick to that which I know, that which I understand from experience and that which stirs my blood.
EDUCATION – that will be my revolution. THE RIGHT OF ALL YOUNG PEOPLE TO DISCOVER THEMSELVES IN THE OUTDOORS (no apologies for shouty capitals). Much more important, I am sure that you will agree than its meaner and more insidious sister EDUCATION – THE INSISTENCE THAT ALL YOUNG PEOPLE BE JUDGED ON EXAM RESULTS.
Blonde One is obviously expected to stand by my side in battle; but I am not yet sure exactly when our revolution will take place. We will let you know once we have written the lists.
Happy New Year!
“Marchons, marchons!”
and let us hope:
“le jour de gloire” arrivera bientôt.