By: Blonde Two

Ladies and GentleBlondes, we have an announcement to make!

The Two Blondes have been chosen by Ordnance Survey to be Get Outside Champions for 2016.

Just to make sure that you are as excited about this as we are, here is a quote from the glad tidings email that we were sent. We were overwhelmed with the number and quality of candidates, so to be selected is a real achievement.”

We are still learning about our new role; we know that we are going to have special clothes to wear, we know that we will meet the other Get Outside champions in February, and we know that we are going to spend the year getting outside and encouraging other people to do the same. We will also be doing lots of Ordnance Survey map work, which is easy for us because we are avid map collecters. Blonde One even has her own (most excellent) way of folding an OS map. We will tell you about that sometime. Here is a picture of us enjoying OL28.

Map and Blondes 2 Small

One thing that we are really pleased about is that our new-found ‘Champion’ status will hopefully bring a bit of additional publicity to Dartmoor. With National Park budgets all over the country being squeezed, this has got to be a good thing.

So, we Blondes are making special preparations; Blonde One is polishing her glass compass, I am buying sparkly gold laces for my walking boots and we are both waterproofing our tiaras. World wide fame has taken its time coming, but I think we are finally there! We are the GetOutside champions …