By: Blonde Two
I always felt a kinship with Wonder Woman; she had curves, wore big pants and could get changed into her Wonder-Clothes super-quick just by spinning around.
The Two Blondes can also get changed into our Wonder-Walking-Clothes in an instant, (well seven minutes to be exact). Here we are looking like Super-Smart Power-Blondes in our work gear:
And then seven minutes later here we are ready to walk into the mist (it was very misty) in our Happy-Hiking gear:
I am sure that you are very impressed. How long does it take you?
Tend to live in the walking clothes – but getting ready to go anywhere respectable takes a week or so – first find the gear, then iron it, then argue with myself interminably as to whether it is right for the occasion, whether I really want to go to the event, wouldn’t I rather walk the dog or watch MASH on telly, or practice the piano or – – – but there are some events one simply can’t avoid!