By: Blonde One

This weekend in the Blonde One household was scheduled to be a ‘weekend off’. It was all planned: there was to be no children to manage, no paperwork, no mapping, no decision making and most definitely no expeditions. Now don’t get me wrong, I love all of this things, but I haven’t had a weekend off for many months and I was very excited to be able to do other things instead. I’m only three quarters through the weekend but here’s how it’s gone so far…

The Blonde One family headed up to the lovely Dartmoor for a little bimble (I didn’t think it counted as an expedition), a little bit of route planning for the Isle of Man (it didn’t really count as mapping as the map wasn’t spread out all over the floor), some checking of route cards (not really paperwork as they were not in a red folder labelled ‘trips pack’) and a get together with friends playing silly games (this did actually remind me of managing children). So you see, it proved to me that I don’t need a weekend off as I just spend it doing all the same things. The one thing that I took huge pleasure in not doing was the decision making. I told the Blonde One family that I was not going to make any decisions and they allowed me to stick to that one – so far. It has been lovely!