By: Blonde Two

Hopefully this morning, as you read this blog post, I am swinging gently in my hammock, snuggled in Big Orange (my faithful sleeping bag) and gazing at clear skies. I may, of course, be back at Six-Foot-Blonde’s house staring at a pile of soggy equipment and trying not to be grumpy with my family.

On Easter Sunday, family B2 rose, ate chocolate, looked at the weather forecast a few times and decided that the scores were:
Hammocking 0
Short Walk 1
More Chocolate 50

So we decided to go for a little drive and an even littler Bimble to visit the Bride Stones. There are, I have discovered, more than one set of Bride Stones in the Land of Up-North. These ones are up above Todmorden and look very interesting from a) the pictures, b) the misted up window of the car.

I should explain that I didn’t actually meet the Bride Stones face to face. In the hope of a weather window, we got all kitted and bagged up, including coffee making facilities and a tarp (Six-Foot-Blonde never goes anywhere without a tarp) and drove up to the car park. There was a fabulous view down the valley (Calderdale) all the way to the rather tempestuous skies that were clearly hovering. As well as the tempestuous skies, there were occasional flashes of sky-encompassing lightning.

We looked, and we discussed options, we looked some more, and we discussed options some more … Anybody who is part of a family will understand that family-based decision making can result in some, let’s say, interesting results; which is probably how we ended up setting off on our Bimble as the black clouds stalked ever nearer.

I have just checked the map and we managed 100 metres up a road and another 100 along a boundary before the weather caught up with us. Mr B2 and I were alerted to the fact that we were heading back to the car by Six-Foot (who had strode ahead) shrieking back past us as the hail hit us full in the face.


We dipped behind a wall for a while, but by this point the thunder and lightning were indicating the nearness of the storm and the wind was even blowing the hail through the holes in the wall.


There was a lot of laughter as we all trotted back down the road, removed soggy clothing and climbed back into the car, and we sat and watched the storm blow over.


I would like to be able to tell you that as the sky started to clear down the valley, we got back out of the car and started our walk again; but that wouldn’t be true, we headed for the pub instead, which was nice but maybe not quite as good for us. The Bride Stones are going to have to wait and by the way, I haven’t quite got used to the idea that my children are old enough to buy me a pint!