By: Blonde One

I am one very worried Blonde right now! “Oh no” I hear you exclaim. “Why” I hear you ask. “Whatever is wrong” I hear you query. Well since you asked so politely – I’ll tell you…

As you know by now, us Blondes are creatures of habit. We like things to be just as we expect them to be, to know precisely what is going to happen at any given moment and to have a very clear plan of action for our days out. Tomorrow is another days walking for us and, as always, preparations have begun 24 hours in advance. Rucksacks have been checked for all the correct equipment for a long day with night nav practice, boots have been cleaned and are once again shiny and new (ish), and clothing has been washed, dried and ironed (we always try to make sure that we look our best: you never know who you might meet on the hills). This last bit of preparation is what has prompted my anxiety. Selecting the right clothing usually reminds me to check the weather forecast. This is exactly what I did and discovered something incredible: there is NO rain forecast for tomorrow!!! This is amazing. We only ever seem to walk these days when it is lashing down with rain. Getting wet through and freezing cold is now part of our routine. Whatever will we do? I’m not sure that I can quite cope with such a major change in routine. My only hope is that Blonde Two forgets her sunglasses as this seems to be a trigger for unexpected storms! Every time Blonde Two brings sunglasses we are guaranteed a wet day. Keep your fingers crossed for us!