By: Blonde Two
Those of you lovely Blondees and Blondettes who have been reading our blog for a long time, will remember that during the hot weather last year (I know, but we did have some) there were a lot of problems with the way that people were using Dartmoor’s very beautiful and much loved Deeper Marsh area (more commonly known as Spitchwick).Spitchwick has been a favourite family picnic area for a long time, Blonde One can remember happy times there as a girl, I spent afternoons there when my family was young. Sadly, during the summer months, Spitchwick is becoming less beautiful and less safe for children because of the mindless behaviour of the people who now visit it.
Ranger Bill shared a list of Spitchwick issues with us that was upsetting to say the least; Spitchwick grass destroyed by disposable barbecues, Spitchwick trees ripped apart for firewood, tombstoning injuries, loud music, drunkenness, verbal abuse and bag after bag of Spitchwick litter to be picked up. We will tell you about the litter another day (it is a truly disgusting story).
The sign pictured in the foreground above is well made and easy to understand. It gives a clear message. Spitchwick is not for camping and it is not for open fires – simple really. I would like to be able to add that if you are a lout, a thug or a moron (sorry did I say that out loud) then Spitchwick is not for you either but Dartmoor is for everyone and should remain so. The sign has only been in place for three days, it was put there by Ranger Bill with help from our Gold DofE volunteers. It took the lads a long time to plant the sign (do you plant signs), much longer than you would imagine. This was because they had to dig out last year’s sign first. “What happened to last year’s sign?”, I hear you ask. Well, dear Blondees and Blondettes, you will be horrified but perhaps not surprised to hear that Mr Lout, Miss Thug and Master Moron broke it off and used it for firewood.
While our lads were working (I did help a bit), I asked them what they would do if they saw someone damaging their new sign. Their answers were emotive and not really printable!
I walk at Spitchwick daily during the winter months but find it intolerable during the summer time or on a warm day. The destruction of this beautiful place is so upsetting. I did tackle someone breaking branches off a tree for firewood and was perfectly reasonable towards him explaining the environmental impact of actions. Can’t publish the response! If I walk early morning with the dogs I take a bin bag or two and start clearing up the mess from the day before but have often found campers there. My only brief moment of happiness is when one of my dog pack cocks a leg against the tent! Is it possible to arrange a group of volunteer rangers to monitor visitor activities during busy times? The situation needs to be adressed and some of us are willing to help.
I think the dog peeing on their tents approach is the best one I have heard yet and should be encouraged! There is a small army of Voluntary Wardens who work with the Dartmoor Rangers. They were very busy last summer and I should have mentioned them in the blog post – sorry guys 🙂 If you would like to know more, contact Rob Steemson (Head Ranger, very important person)
It is a sad tale. And sadder still, that any one trying to remonstrate is likely to be subjected to violent verbal abuse or even violence. It would take a small army of volunteers to cover the ground regularly, in small groups, but it would be well worth it.
There is a small army of Voluntary Wardens who work with the Dartmoor Rangers. They were very busy last summer and I should have mentioned them in the blog post – sorry guys 🙂 If you would like to know more, contact Rob Steemson (Head Ranger, very important person)
There’s a blog post on its way about the litter but I’m waiting until I’ve calmed down a bit first. 4 days and I’m still raging!
Still the same in 2016 . For us who live here it really is becoming untenable . The abuse when they shout out ‘where I’m supposed to park “? The rubbish is the getting worse . And as for camping yep , there were tents last night and fires not far from the ‘No camping , no fires ” who is prosecuted ? They just do not care somthing must be done . I would shut it off return the cattle to it for a few years and let the land begin to heal .
Hi Juliana. We are very sorry to hear that. It would be lovely to think that Spitchwick in the summer is as peaceful as it is in the winter. It must be very frustrating to live nearby and see all the damage being done.