By: Blonde Two

If there is one thing that Dartmoor life gives you, it is stamina.  Even if you are never first up a hill, stamina gives you the ability to keep going for much longer than you thought that you could and in much stranger circumstances than you would have ever imagined yourself.

You might imagine stamina to be a purely physical phenomena, represented on Dartmoor by such activities as beastly bog balancing, horrid hill hacking and tortuous tussock treading (nice aliteration);  all of these moving around things require stamina but you would be wrong to presume that they are the only things that do.  Dartmoor stamina can come in many different forms – here are a few examples for you to test yourself against.

1.  It is a cold November day and you have to wait for a group on a tor.  You have one flask of tea, some squashed dried apricots and merino thermals.  How long can you survive?

2.  You have just worked a nine hour Friday and camped/walked on Dartmoor in the rain for the weekend.  How many people do you swear at under your breath back at work on Monday morning?

3.  You have driven a minibus filled with empty pizza boxes, wet socks and tired teachers backwards and forwards between Okehampton and Princetown all weekend.  You have covered over 100 miles.  How many lamposts do you reverse into when you get back home?

The Two Blondes are in for a horridly busy time over the next couple of days.  Sadly, this will be work busy instead of Dartmoor busy but we are hoping that our Dartmoor gained stamina will see us through.  See you on the other side!