By: Blonde One

Unfortunately we are entering the time of year when we find our Get Outside plans being thwarted by storms. I seem to have a canny knack of picking the weekends for DofE expeditions that end up with a storm! My two (non) favourites were Eric and Brian!

The naming of storms is a fascinating thing which began in 2014 when the Met Office named their first storm. They believed that storms are easier to track if they have a name and that people will take them more seriously too. Interestingly, female named storms statistically hurt more people than male named storms. The Met Office suggest that this is because we feel less threatened by a female name and perhaps take more risks. The campaign #nameourstorms was launched by the Met Office to find the new names for the 2019/2020 storms. Unfortunately ‘Blonde’ didn’t make the list! Have a look to see if your name is there.