By: Blonde Two

I made a momentous decision last week. I have been a member of a rather lovely swimming pool and gym facility for over eight years now and over that time have swum regularly (and used the gym occasionally).

Last week I cancelled my membership.

Have I become disenchanted with the life of an aquaphibian? – NO

Have I run out of money? – NO (although the cellar-confined life of an impoverished writer doesn’t leave a lot to spare)

Have I found somewhere else to swim? – YES

Talk about epiphanic! The truth of it is that I live within walking distance of a great, big, ever-changing, always stimulating swimming pool. This swimming pool wavers around somewhere between Berry Head and Hope’s Nose and is available to everyone. It is always open and always offers plenty of space in which to swim. In fact it is especially empty in the winter. You might know it as Torbay!


It remains to be seen whether or not I can stomach cold-water morning swims right through January and February. My head is aching just thinking about it. The idea though sounds like a challenge to me…

And we Blondes love a challenge!